Dismissed 4 Less Logo

How It Works?

Click “Let’s Do This” at the bottom of this page to have the professionals at Dismissed for Less steer you back to a clean driving record.
We will compose the defense for dismissal all you have to do is provide your traffic ticket and tell us your story

How It Works Road
Upload Violation Icon

Snap a Photo (upload button)

First, provide a photo of your ticket. This will give us most of the details we need to start your case.
Provide your details Icon

Give us the Details “Tell Us Your Story”

We'll ask some questions to better understand your situation and the alleged violation. (Don’t like saying angles here)
Defence Completed Icon

Defence Completed

Our experienced traffic ticket experts will write the defense for you. They do the heavy lifting; reviewing your situation and the California vehicle code cited. Once your defense is completed it will be sent to you for review and submission.
Dismissing your traffic ticket has never been so easy and affordable-
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